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Demolition & Drilling Rentals

Phone us Call (250) 758-2401 to reserve a rental or ask any questions.

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Demolition & Drilling Categories

Demolition Tools

Drilling Equipment

Nanaimo Demolition Tool & Drill Rentals

Demolition & drilling equipment rentals from Sharecost Rentals in Nanaimo, BC

Concrete, stone, and bricks are all wonderful building material until you need to remove them! We’ve got the heavy steel here to put the required muscle into your next renovation to make that concrete shake and break.

From electric jack-hammers to specialized concrete drilling equipment we have the tools and accessories that will help reduce your back-breaking labour and get you quickly onto the next step in your project.

And yes, if you’re fixing concrete, we’ve got all the supplies for that too!

Demolition & Drilling Categories

Reserve Your Rental

Phone us Call (250) 758-2401 to reserve a rental or ask any questions.

Reserve any time Reserve your rental for today or any time in the future!

View contact details Stop by! Here’s our full contact info and a map to our store.

Demand can be high for specific rentals during certain times of the year – we suggest calling in advance to make sure we have what you need, when you need it.

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