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Central Island Delivery Services

Delivery of Bulk Materials, Rentals, and More

Our 5-tonne dump truck being loaded with driveway chips.

Need materials or equipment to your jobsite? We've got you covered!

Our skilled drivers deliver bulk materials from our Sand & Gravel Mart, landscaping supplies such as paving stones or wall blocks, and rental equipment of all sizes throughout Central Vancouver Island. We also offer back-hauling services to our Landscape Recycling Centre to help get rid of the yard waste on your site.

To book a delivery or pick-up, give us a call at (250) 758-2401.

What do you need delivered?

Click the links below to view delivery rates for:

Delivery ZonesZone boundaries for deliveries.

  Distance from Sharecost
to Delivery Site
North Landmark South Landmark
ZONE 1 0-25km North Nanoose Bay
(VI Equipment)
North Ladysmith
(Arbutus RV & Marine)
ZONE 2 26-50km Whiskey Creek North Cowichan
(at Somenos Rd and the
Trans-Canda Hwy)
ZONE 3 >50km Beyond Whiskey Creek Beyond North Cowichan
(at Somenos Rd and the
Trans-Canda Hwy)
Mainland deliveries will not be accepted
Hourly trucking applies to all Gulf Island destinations
All ferry fees apply; barge fees and scheduling are the responsibility of the customer

How to determine your delivery zone

  1. Open Google Maps with Sharecost as your starting location
  2. Type in the delivery address as the destination
  3. The shortest route will determine your zone
  4. Please note: Zones are based on driving distance not "as the crow flies".

Bulk Material Delivery RatesSand, gravel, and organic materials.

  ZONE 1
0-25 km from
26-50 km from
>50 km from
Single-axle dump truck (Dodge or Hino)²
• Dodge: max. 3 yards sand/gravel OR 4 yards of dry soil OR 6 yards of mulch¹
• Hino: max. 5 yards sand/gravel OR 5 yards of dry soil OR 6 yards of mulch¹
$95 $115 $115/hour
Fee for “split loads”
• bring two different bulk items in one delivery (restrictions apply)
• fee is in addition to delivery rate
+ $20 + $20 + $20
Dual-axle dump truck (Mack or Kenworth)²
• sand/gravel capacity ~9.5-11 yards (~11.5-13.5 tonnes)
• soil/mulch¹ capacity ~15-20 yards
• delivery made with truck only (without trailer)
$160 $200 $150/hour
Dual-axle dump truck & trailer (Kenworth & Pup)²
• sand/gravel capacity ~22-24 yards (~28 tonnes)
• soil/mulch¹ capacity ~32-35 yards
$200 $240 $200/hour
Delivery restrictions are typically limited by weight, not volume.
¹ Mulches are fir bark and dark bark.
² For orders requiring 3 or more single or 2 or more tandem-axle loads, we will charge hourly trucking rates instead of the per-trip fees above.

Rental Equipment Delivery RatesLight and heavy-duty rental equipment.

  ZONE 1
0-25 km from
26-50 km from
>50 km from
Light rental tool delivery
• delivery done with a pick-up truck (ex: Aerator)
• maximum equipment weight of ~1000 pounds
$59 $79 $85/hour
Heavy rental tool delivery
• delivery done with a pick-up truck & trailer (ex: Bobcat)
• for equipment weighing over 1000 pounds
$85 $105 $100/hour
Delivery rates above are per trip. For delivery and pickup, two delivery fees apply.

Palletized Goods Delivery Rates Paving stones, retaining wall blocks, concrete forms, and bagged products.

  ZONE 1
0-25 km from
26-50 km from
>50 km from
1-3 pallet delivery, WITH forklift
• includes unloading pallets at delivery site using all-terrain forklift
$155 $175 $125/hour
1-4 pallet delivery, WITHOUT forklift
• customer must have equipment on site capable of safely unloading pallets
• note: our driver will NOT unload pallets by hand
$155 $175 $125/hour
4-8 pallet delivery, WITH forklift
• includes unloading pallets at delivery site using all-terrain forklift
$225 $265 $200/hour
4-9 pallet delivery, WITHOUT forklift
• customer must have equipment on site capable of safely unloading pallets
• note: our driver will NOT unload pallets by hand
$225 $265 $200/hour
17-28 pallet delivery (B-train direct to site)
• job site must have safe, sufficient access
• customer must provide machine to unload OR pay below fee for forklift & operator
$400 $425 Please
Forklift & operator to unload B-Train
• only for unloading B-trains of product purchased from Sharecost
$125 $125 $85/hour
Please note: for orders requiring 3 or more single or 2 or more tandem-axle loads, we will charge hourly trucking rates instead of the per-trip fees above.

Material Back-Hauling Rates Have us haul your dirt or green garden waste back to Sharecost’s Landscape Recycling Centre.

  ZONE 1
0-25 km from
26-50 km from
>50 km from
Single-axle dump truck (Dodge or Hino)
• max. dirt capacity ~5 yards
• max. green garden waste capacity ~6 yards
$65 $65 $65
Dual-axle dump truck (Mack or Kenworth)
• max. dirt capacity ~10-15 yards
• max. green garden waste capacity ~15 yards
$95 $95 $95

If we have just made a delivery to your site, we can back-haul dirt or garden waste to our Landscape Recycling Centre at the rates listed above.

If we're not already making a delivery to your job-site but you'd still like us to pick up material, no problem! Just pay our hourly trucking rates and we'll send a driver over.

The following terms and restrictions apply to back-haul deliveries:

  • Customer must provide a machine on site with high enough reach to load our truck.
  • Regular fees for dirt and garden waste disposal apply in addition to back-haul rates. See Landscape Recycle Centre page for disposal rates.
  • We allow for 1/2 hour for loading time at the delivery site before hourly trucking rates apply.
  • We do NOT back-haul: concrete/asphalt; boulders larger than 1×1×1'; mixed loads of yard waste and dirt; soupy mud.

Our Delivery Vehicles

Dodge Ram 3 Yard Dump Truck

3 Yard Dodge Ram Dump Truck, being loaded by a Bobcat at the Sharecost yard.

Our 3-tonne truck can carry:

  • up to 3 yards of sand or gravel
  • up to 4 yards of dry soil
  • up to 6 yards of dry mulch

This truck is on the road every day that we’re open and can usually manage same-day delivery.

Hino 6 Yard Dump Truck

Our 5-tonne dump truck being loaded with driveway chips.

For slightly larger loads, we now offer a medium-sized 5-tonne Hino dump truck.

Our 5-tonne truck can carry:

  • up to 5 yards of sand, gravel, or soil
  • up to 6 yards of dry mulch

This truck is available every day that we’re open.

Kenworth Tandem-Axle Dump Truck (with optional trailer)

A view of our 14-tonne dump truck attached to its trailer.

For large loads, our 14-tonne truck can haul roughly 10-11 yards of sand/gravel, or approximately 15 yards of soil/mulch. This dump truck can be used for delivery of single loads or for hourly trucking.

Available for delivery Monday-Friday, and sometimes also on the weekend (please ask!).

Deliveries with this dump truck qualify for bulk pricing discounts. View our Sand & Gravel Mart for specific pricing details.

  • Sand/gravel capacity: ~9.5-11 yards or ~13.5 tonnes
  • Soil/mulch capacity: ~15-20 yards
Haul even more with the Tridem-Axle Trailer

The Kenworth dump truck can also haul with a tridem-axle trailer for even larger loads. With the pup (trailer) attached, our sand/gravel capacity increases to:

  • Sand/gravel capacity: ~22-24 yards or ~28 tonnes
  • Soil/mulch capacity: ~32-35 yards

Our truck and trailer deliveries require a LARGE jobsite. Many sites will not have enough room for proper maneuvering on-site. Please work with us to determine if your site meets our clearance requirements.

Mack Heavy-Haul Flat Deck

Photo coming soon

Big residential and commercial landscape jobs require big deliveries. For really heavy loads, we can move up to 9 pallets in a single delivery for you.

  • Flat-Deck length: 21 feet
  • Max. pallet delivery: 9 pallets
  • Capacity of truck: 10 tonnes
  • Capacity of truck & trailer: 16 tonnes combined
Let our machinery do your heavy lifting!

We can unload pallets on your job-site with the help of our all-terrain forklift. Have us place your pallets where you need them to help minimize your wheelbarrow work.

Deliver your rental equipment

The heavy-haul flat deck delivery truck can also haul your rental equipment. We can lower the deck onto the ground to make loading and unloading a breeze!

Equipment & Supply Delivery

Our tandem-axle trailer, holding a skid-steer loader, being towed by a 3/4 tonne truck.

On top of our bulk products, we also deliver rental equipment of all sizes, such as our Bobcat loaders, our trencher or stump grinder, lawnmowers or dethatchers.

Need supplies? We also have light- and medium-duty pick-up trucks to deliver landscape or construction materials, such as forms, tie bar, paving stones, or retaining wall blocks, to your jobsite anywhere on Vancouver Island.

Frequently Asked Questions

“How quickly can you deliver?”

“How about now?” is not an uncommon phrase at Sharecost. While we can’t always promise instant delivery, we’re really fast, and rarely need more than a few hours notice.

“Can you deliver to steep driveways?”

It depends on how steep your driveway is, what you need, and how much you need. If we think it’s going to be tricky, we can send a runner to check it out before we load up the trucks.

“Can you deliver a LOT of gravel?”

Definitely. We offer delivery and competitive pricing on large volumes of sand and gravel via our tandem-axle dump truck. View the centre column of this page for delivery rates and capacity details; view our Sand & Gravel Mart for pricing.

“Why is there a delivery charge?”

We have to charge a delivery fee to cover commodities like fuel, but we also need to pay for the time and skilled labour required to safely load our vehicles, even if you’re located one block over.

“How much do I need?”

You can use our simple bulk material calculator to calculate the amount of material you'll need, or call or staff at (250) 758-2401 and we can work it out for you.

As a rough guide, one cubic yard will roughly cover the following areas (length x width x depth):

  • 18' x 18' x 1"
  • 24' x 12' x 1"
  • 12' x 12' x 2"
  • 10' x 10' x 3"
  • 20' x 5' x 3"
  • 10' x 5' x 6"

“What products can be delivered?”

Book Your Delivery

Phone us anytime at (250) 758-2401 or visit our store at 1716 Northfield Road in Nanaimo, BC to set up your delivery today.

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