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Baker Scaffolding

For Rent: Baker Scaffolding

Easy to set up and tear down, even by a single person.

#6085 Baker Scaffolding

When conventional scaffolding won’t do, consider using our Baker scaffold. These complete units measure 6’ × 6’ × 29”, have adjustable deck heights, locking wheels, and ends that can be staggered for safe usage on stairs. Perfect for all types of indoor work, these units easily break down for transport, can be assembled by a single person with no difficulty.

Guard rails and outriggers are also available to enable this scaffold to be set up to 2 sections tall = 12’ tall freestanding, for hard-to-reach-indoor projects. Additional charges apply.

Rental Rates*
  • 24 HR: $28.00
  • 7 DAY: $100.00
  • 28 DAY: $250.00
Item 20025: Guard Rails (Baker Scaffold)
  • 24 HR: $9.00
  • 7 DAY: $36.00
  • 28 DAY: $72.00
Item 20026: Outriggers (Baker Scaffold)
  • 24 HR: $9.00
  • 7 DAY: $36.00
  • 28 DAY: $72.00

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