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You are here: Rentals / Excavator, *1.5 Tonne* Mini

Excavator, *1.5 Tonne* Mini

For Rent: Excavator, *1.5 Tonne* Mini Kubota KX41 Mini Excavator Kubota KX41 Mini Excavator Kubota KX41 Mini Excavator

Weight: 3679 lbs (CAT) / 3814 lbs (U17)
Height: 91” / 7’7”
Length: 141.5” / 13’9.5”
Operating Width: 49” / 4’1”
Minimum Width: 39.4” / 3’3.4”
Travel Speed: 1.3 mph / 2.1 kph
Fuel Capacity:
26 ltrs (CAT) / 19 ltrs (U17)
Maximum Lift:
Depends on configuration – see manual for details
Digging Depth:
91” / 7’7”
Maximum Reach:
138” / 11’6”
Boomswing Left:
65 degrees
Boomswing Right:
58 degrees
Tracks: 9.5” rubber

#5580 Excavator, *1.5 Tonne* Mini

Our 1.5 Tonne Mini Excavators – a CAT 301.7D and a KUBOTA U17 – are best suited on jobs where working space is limited. With their commendable boomswing, narrow frames, and zero tail swing, our 1.5 Tonne machines get into places other excavators simply can’t. The rubber tracks also leave a minimal footprint, allowing these units to operate on sensitive surfaces without destroying them. The open-cabs are equipped with both Cat and John Deere control patterns.


These units are great for small excavation projects, especially when dealing with space restrictions. The rubber tracks and low-pressure footprint make our minis ideal for your trench digging projects, such as perimeter drainage or irrigation lines, even on turf. These units also work well when landscaping, thanks to a small frame, handy thumb, and retractable tracks that slim them down to just under 40” wide.


Rental of the Mini Excavators includes 12” and 16” wide digging buckets and a 24” (U17) or 30” (CAT) wide clean-up bucket.


DO NOT run machine on hard shot/blasted rock – this will damage the rubber wheels.

  1. Customer accepts the responsibility for: damage to machine and/or flat tires/tracks; repairs; and all liability which may occur as a result of injury to persons or property during rental beyond normal wear and tear.
  2. Check for buried cable or gas lines before you dig.
  3. Maximum allowance of 8 hours per 24 hour period. Additional engine hours are billed at $30 per hour over the maximum allowance per 24 hour period.
  4. After the machine is on site for 25 hours a second day rate will be charged with an additional 8 hours of engine time allowed.
  5. Up to 40 hours of engine time is included per week rate. Additional engine hours are billed at $30 per hour over the maximum allowance. Machine can be on site for up to 7 days for week rate.
  6. Monthly rate is on a quote basis and is calendar month day to day.
  7. Grease gun, bucket wrench is located in the cab. Please grease excavator every eight hours of use: see diagram where grease nipple locations are for multi-day use of excavator.

PLEASE CALL US for equipment pick-up.

  • Fuel (diesel) is billed per litre upon return
  • Delivery and pick-up is not included in rental price. For delivery rates and details, visit our delivery section, or contact us.

Note: Please ask about our longer-term rental rates

Rental Rates*
  • 8 HR: $248.00 (includes up to 8 hours engine time)
  • 7 DAY: $992.00 (includes up to 40 hours engine time)
  • 28 DAY: $ASK
  • Rental rates include bucket rentals

* A fuel surcharge will be applied to any gas or diesel-powered rentals that are not returned full of the appropriate fuel or fuel/oil mix. Please call 250-758-2401 for the current fuel surcharge rate.

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Demand may be high for specific rentals during certain times of the year – we suggest calling in advance to make sure we have what you need, when you need it.

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