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You are here: Rentals / Heater, Propane 80,000 BTU

Heater, Propane 80,000 BTU

For Rent: Heater, Propane 80,000 BTU

#5558 Heater, Propane 80,000 BTU

This heater runs on propane and MUST run with the 60# or 100# propane tanks – it cannot run with smaller tanks.


This heater requires a minimum of 80 inches square of opening (in the same room) to outside air for proper ventilation and combustion of the heater. The room must have adequate air supply to allow for proper air supply to the heater to allow for proper combustion of fuel and prevent carbon monoxide poisoning which can lead to death.

Consumes 3.7 pounds of propane per hour!

This heater need to be plugged into 115V (standard house) power.

Dimensions: 75cm x 34cm x 51cm (L x W x H) OR 29.5” × 13.4” × 20”

Unit weighs 80 pounds.

The heater must be kept a minimum 1 foot from flammable materials from top sides and back of unit and 6 feet from blower outlet.

Can be used down to -29°C temperatures.

Note: Rental of the heater does NOT include the rental of propane tanks or the cost of propane

Rental Rates*
  • 24 HR: $50.00
  • 7 DAY: $200.00
  • 28 DAY: $400.00

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